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Freedom golden Hoop Earrings / Black


Charming hoop earrings with a black swallows. Designed to be worn alone as statement pieces or mixed together with your other personal favorites.

Pilkupüüdvad kõrvarõngad pääsukestega on pühendatud Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva pidustustele. Sobivad kandmiseks nii pidu- kui argipäeval.

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Collection FREEDOM speaks of an inner libertine and depicts a lightweight flight towards freedom. 

The design depicts the liberty of flight, leading towards new heights. Thousands of swallows fly freely and connect into a single whole in every jewelry piece of this collection. A swallow is a national bird of Estonia and a symbol of freedom, love, loyalty, and peace. The spirit of this bird is joyful and full of hope.

 Collection FREEDOM cheers an achievement of the brand’s home country becoming free and symbolizes independence at large.


Eesti rahvuslind on suitsupääsuke, mis sümboliseerib vaba taevalaotust ning õnne. Meie pääsukestega kollektsioon, mil nimeks FREEDOM, sobib kandmiseks ka neile, kes ehk muidu patriootlikku sümboolikat pelgavad. Ülemaailmselt on pääsukesed vabaduse, lojaalsuse, õnne, lootuse ja rahu sümboliks.

Additional information



14K Rose Gold plated silver, black enamel


approximately 5 cm

Made in

handmade in Estonia at Hyrv jewellery studio