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Antlers kullatud käevõru


Väljapaistev ja isikupärane ANTLERS kollektsiooni käevõru on kohandatava suurusega, mistõttu sobib suurepäraselt ka kinkimiseks. Tänu ümarale profiilile ja ergonoomilisele disainile on hõbedast käevõru mugav ja nahale meeldiv kanda.



Sarved sümboliseerivad uuestisündi. Hirv heidab vanad sarved ning koheselt hakkavad asemele kasvama uued. Põhjamaade mütoloogias sümboliseerib hirv tundlikkust, intuitsiooni ja õrnust, tuues harmooniat, õnne, rahu ning pikaealisust. Seda kõike soovime edasi anda ka oma ehetega.
Meie jaoks sümboliseerivad sarved kuninglikkust ja kaitset. ANTLER kollektsiooni ehted on minimalistlikud, efektsed ning mugavad kanda. Sõrmused ja käevõrud on kohandatava suurusega ning ümara profiiliga, mistõttu sobivad need ka suurepäraselt kinkimiseks.






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Care guide

Remove your jewelry before you swim in chlorine or salt water.
Remove your jewelry before participating in activities that will cause you to sweat a lot.
Wait to put on your jewelry until after you have applied lotion, makeup or perfume.
Remove jewelry if you will be bringing it into contact with something hard. (For example, take off your ring before lifting weights.)
Store your plated jewelry where it won’t rub against other hard substances (a soft bag—one per piece of jewelry—is ideal).
Wipe your gold plated jewelry after each use, using a soft cloth to remove any dirt or debris. You may also soak it for a few minutes in warm, soapy water and dry it gently with a soft cloth as needed.

If your jewelry is tarnished beyond what a good cleaning can remedy, all is not lost. You can breathe new life into your jewelry by having it re-plated at our studio.

Measure your finger as follows to choose the size that suits you best:
Measure your wrist length carefully. Please choose the correct size according to your ring size.
EU 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18,5 19
US ring size chart 4 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 7- 8
EU ring size chart 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19
Bracelet size chart 16cm / S 17cm /M 18cm / L 19cm/ XL 20-22cm/XXL - - - -
Measure your finger as follows to choose the size that suits you best:
Measure your wrist length carefully. Please choose the correct size according to your ring size.
EU 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18,5 19
US ring size chart 4 4- 5 5- 6 6- 7 7- 8
EU ring size chart 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19
Bracelet size chart 16cm / S 17cm /M 18cm / L 19cm/ XL 20-22cm/XXL - - - -